I recently met a neighbour who unbeknown to me shared a life-long passion for the Australian group The Go-Betweens. He introduced me to a facebook group called Right Here: The Go-Betweens Appreciation Society and I been posting all day.
Above the UK catalogue on vinyl as purchased throughout the 1980s. I knew of The Go-Betweens from early on having collected Postcard Records like Orange Juice and Aztec Camera and the first Go-Betweens single in the UK. Then my friend Pete Astor through his bands The Loft and The Weather Prophets got to know and play alongside them. I loved Cattle and Cane and started to collect everything they did. That collection has come through two relationships and four cities so at least some things stay constant. Loving The Go-Betweens going by the Facebook comments is a lifetime commitment….and despite ‘Part Company’ there will be no divorce. We been together nearly 40 years already 🙂

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2238310669/