Trailer Star’s final gig…..Lee Rosy’s 15th July

Yes despite numerous ‘comebacks’ and raves from beyond the grave the definitive, healing last ever, never to be repeated Trailer Star performance will take place at Lee Rosy’s Broad Street Nottingham on Wednesday 15th July. The ‘Suit of Nettles’ hand-made digipack will be available as a limited edition (50 only made) at £10.00 each.

Latest projects

I am working on two concurrent recording projects. 1. Barns and Stars. Songs 2005 – 2006 14 songs when completed will be added as a player above. Secondly as part of the Horseshoe Tapes archive series I also finishing off 2. Black Tin Barns – Songs 1996 Originally recorded direct to an old AKAI reel… Continue reading Latest projects

Post Depression?

A reply to a article on No Depression website As for the end beginning of vinyl etc…from a purely personal point of view I prefer picking up a vinyl copy of Cash’s the Rambler to any ‘digital experience’ much as anybody in right mind would prefer an old Cadillac to a Humvee or whatever… Continue reading Post Depression?