Latest projects
I am working on two concurrent recording projects. 1. Barns and Stars. Songs 2005 – 2006 14 songs when completed will be added as a player above. Secondly as part…
I am working on two concurrent recording projects. 1. Barns and Stars. Songs 2005 – 2006 14 songs when completed will be added as a player above. Secondly as part…
A reply to a article on No Depression website As for the end beginning of vinyl etc…from a purely personal point of view I prefer picking up a vinyl… Joe’s Mum’s Musical Circus 03 Sep 2008, 20:00 65 derby road, nottingham, Midlands NG1 5BA Cost : free WILL JEFFREY, ROSHAN RAI, SHAUN BELCHER Please note Loggerheads on 20th…
Bulrush Festival As part of the annual Lady Bay Open Arts Festival, the Thames Delta’s premier dead country and western legend hosts the inaugural Bulrush Festival, bringing a taste of…
Chuffed to bits to be included in Songs Illinois music blog ( one of the best in my opinion) This is what they had to say…see full entry ( alongside…
See and listen to the Lincoln UK exhibition – Here trailer star – suit of nettles ‘Connect 08’ – The Collection, Lincoln, England 25th April -29th May 2008“ … the…