As part of revamping and relaunching Trailer Star Records I discovered this little gem from 1993.
I honestly thought I was the Berkshire Guy Clark or Micky Newbury when I sent this off to record lables with the press pack below….
I was young and in love and broke as usual….recorded entirely on a half-broken Fostex on the top floor of a seedy bedsit in Hammersmith West London.
Hence the Londinium references throughout….
The tape got one reply from the head honcho at EMI publishing ( George Michael etc etc ) Surprised to get this….
Oh well I liked it , here liked it then and still like it now. I think it my best bunch of songs ever.
Original cassette sleeve art
Track ‘City of stars’ renamed ‘Big City Nights’ on re-release CD
Listen through Bandcamp – go to website to download
[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=2475512081 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]
TSR006 2006
Originally released 1993 as a Horseshoe Tape
‘LAST FARMER OF RATTLEDOWN ROW’ – 1993 Horseshoe Tape (HS 003)
Here’s the Press Pack I made in 1993….
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